USW Local 1-2017
Suite 100, 1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC,
V2L 3G7
Phone Numbers
Prince George:
Tel: 250.563.7771
Toll-free: 1.800.565.3641
Fax: 250.563.0274
Williams Lake:
Tel: 250.398.8248
Toll-free: 1.888.398.8248
Fax: 250.398.6218
Date: March 29, 2022
To: B.C. Local Union Executives, B.C. Staff and B.C. Support Staff
From: Scott Lunny, Director
Subject: B.C. Bulletin – Paid sick leave
Yesterday, Steelworkers from across B.C. met with Minister Harry Bains to discuss amendments to strengthening paid sick leave for all workers in B.C.
The government has taken to make amendments to B.C.’s Employment Standards Act addressing concerns that some employees were excluded from the full five paid sick days due to existing language in collective agreements. Paid sick leave protection will now apply to all workers covered by the Employment Standards Act, including part-time employees.
The amendments are a win for working people in B.C.
The amended legislation is expected to proceed to second and third reading this week and is expected to receive Royal Assent within the next two weeks.
Please take a moment to read the B.C. government release at
The bill amendments can be found at business/legislation-debates-proceedings/42nd-parliament/3rd-session/bills/first- reading/gov19-1
You can also follow the progress of the Bill at business/legislation-debates-proceedings/42nd-parliament/3rd-session/bills/progress-of-bills