USW Local 1-2017
Suite 100, 1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC,
V2L 3G7
Phone Numbers
Prince George:
Tel: 250.563.7771
Toll-free: 1.800.565.3641
Fax: 250.563.0274
Williams Lake:
Tel: 250.398.8248
Toll-free: 1.888.398.8248
Fax: 250.398.6218
USW @ Western Coal - Wolverine Mine, Tumbler Ridge BC
Brian started working in the Forest Industry in 1983 employed at Houston Forest Products in Houston BC. He first became involved as Job Steward then Plant Chair Person and Executive Board Member for his operation. In 1997 Brian started working for the Local Union as part-time Business Agent and hired full-time in 1998. Brian represented our membership as a WCB Advocate prior to the 2003 Officers election where he successfully ran and was elected to the position of Financial Secretary for the local Union. In 2015 Brian was elected as the 1st Vice President. He is also Health and Safety Director and sits as a Trustee on Health and Welfare Plans and the IWA Forest Industry Long term Disability Plan.
Andrew started in the forest industry while still in high school. He was raised by it and it has enabled him to support his family as they now grow. Through his employment he has become a ticketed Millwright at Conifex Mackenzie. Andrew has been a union activist for 15 years on grievance, negotiation, executive and safety committees. He has received training at Harrison, Kimberley and Pittsburgh to further his education in union-related fields. He strives for clear, honest, & open communication between elected officials and membership. Andrew is excited to work on a team with so much experience and variety, and to bring everything he learns to the brothers, sisters and friends he represents.
Rod worked in the Forest Industry from 1983 until being hired by the Local Union in 1998. While employed at Tackama Forest Products in Fort Nelson BC, Rod was actively involved on the Plant, Safety and EFAP committees in the operation. Rod has served all areas of our local Union in the past 26 years, Including bargaining in areas such as forest industry, transportation, Automotive and Electrical. Rod is also a Health and Welfare Trustee and represents the Local on Right of Reference matters. Rod continues to play an important role as Financial Secretary and Business Agent with the local union team of officers.
Born and raised in the Cariboo, Mark started working in construction in 1992 and in the forest industry in 1998. At the plant level Mark has served as shop steward, safety committee member, plant committee member, plant committee vice chairperson, and plant committee chairperson. Mark also has served for a number of years as executive board member for the local union and was elected to the position of conductor in 2011. In 2012 Mark accepted the position of forth vice president, the appointment was approved by the local executive board. In 2016 Mark accepted the position of first vice president of the local union. Over the years Mark has participated in training offered by the local union, Canadian labor congress and victory square law office. Serving in his role as vice president Mark has sat at the table as an observer for pattern bargaining for the forest industry in 2013. On June 11, 2017 at the founding convention Mark was elected to the position of forth vice president in the newly formed local 1-2017. Mark is excited to be working with an experienced team of officers and business agents in the newly formed local. Together we are ready to take on the challenges faced by the labor movement.
Rhonda is from Houston and completed her apprenticeship and is now a ticketed electrician at Canfor Houston. Rhonda has participated in training offered by the Union and completed courses in taking proper meeting minutes, steward training and bargaining skills. Rhonda has served as warden on the plant committee also held the positions as recording secretary and 2nd vice chairperson. Rhonda accepted the position as recording secretary for the local union her appointment was ratified by the executive board on June 17th 2013.
Orv has been the Plant Chair, Executive Board Member and a Shop Steward at LP Dawson Creek He has been part of the negotiating committee for the last three contracts at LP Dawson Creek, and an Executive Committee Member of the social club at LP helping organize various functions such as; golf tournaments, bowling nights, and Christmas parties for the past eight years.
Mitch has been employed at Tolko Lakeview Div. for 40 years and is currently a millwright and the Plant Chairperson (for 20+ years) there. He has more than 10 additional years of active union involvement as an Executive Board Member/Organizer/full time Officer of the Local. With more than 40 years’ experience he works toward maintaining and improving our membership’s rights and benefits.
Jessica is the Recording Secretary for the Local and has been for two years. Prior to that she was the Warden since 2015. She is employed at Parallel Wood Products and has worked there since 2006. She is a forklift driver, has a grading ticket and Level 3 First Aid Ticket. She is the Plant Chair and Safety Chair for her operation and has been a member of the Executive Board member for years before becoming an Officer. She has taken Public Speaking, Arbitration (Level 1), Job Steward (as a learning as well as co-facilitating teaching other), Recording Secretary, Accident Investigation and Safety courses through the union. Jessica has worked full time for the Local for a year now training as a Business Agent and also had a 3-month stint of training in 2019. Jessica is proud to be part of the team that governs the Local and strives to be an effective part of the team helping our Local grow and thrive.
Patty was born and raised in the Cariboo. Started her career in Forestry in 1999 at Northstar lumber worked in the sawmill and the planer. Then transferred to the Plywood Plant. Patty is a 1st aid attendant and was a member of the competition team for Westfraser. She currently working as a log Scaler for Q-Ply, and has been active in the union since her start, Patty is active on her plant committee, has held numerious positions over the years and has taken many education training classes.
Sandra has been a resident of Quesnel for almost 30 years. She comes from a long line of forest industry United Steelworkers. Sandra has been employed by West Fraser Q-Ply for 8 years and has been acting as a steward for 7. She has been active in the Policies Conference, Steelworkers Vote, Plant Committee, Safety Committee and also the alternate Executive Board Member representative.
Surinder Bhatti |
Shayne Serhan |
George Matias |
Michelle Kirouac - |
Administration |
Tamara Brown - |
Administration |
Lynda Fisher - |
Administration |