USW Local 1-2017
Suite 100, 1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, BC,
V2L 3G7
Phone Numbers
Prince George:
Tel: 250.563.7771
Toll-free: 1.800.565.3641
Fax: 250.563.0274
Williams Lake:
Tel: 250.398.8248
Toll-free: 1.888.398.8248
Fax: 250.398.6218
To: Parallel Wood Products, USW Members
RE: Ratification of the Collective Agreement
The Local Union would like to confirm that the members at Parallel Wood Products have by majority vote; ratified the Memorandum of Agreement for the November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2028, Collective Agreement.
Please contact Jessica Garreau at (250)398-8248, if you have any questions.